FRIDAY!I usually have taekwondoes on Fridays at Serangoon, so i asked Daniel to accompany me to Serangoon, but as it turned out, he was going to a friend's house..
Sir HanZhong preparing to demonstarte my pattern and this liitle boy being annoying..
(Tiga 8)
The little boy bulling Sir HanZhong..
Sir HanZhong is getting OWNED!!!
The little boy was reprimanded by Sir patrick tan..
Sirs meeting
Actually planned to study till 9, but I did chinese first, so i got a headache and had to stop.. Later I went to TaoNan's court, but was stopped at the bridge by WangChao, he said the guys left there were NOobs.. I whined that I had a headache and needed bball, so he gave in to me and followed me to Mountbatten!
He's actually quite a nice guy, except his sms replies are damn lag
My Fishball crackers..
Guess who we saw on the bus?
!!!GUO HAO!!!
So I took ALOT of photos
Very long never see him le, when I saw him, I was like," GUO HAO!" then I squished him against the wall.. =D
We(WC & I) had fun playing.. I never lost a single match that night.. The last team I played, WC , me and some guy who's name I forgot (let's call him F).. We won 8+ matches in a row and the last match we won by alot..
We are FAMILY!
Oliver looks like a pervert here.. XD
After reaching her house, we decide to relax and slack at her void deck.. We then did something the three of us loved to do.. can you guess?
(one of our songs)
We just sat there and sang for 1h+, time passed so fast! it was REALLY FUN! Strangely, I liked it more than the other time we went K-box.. Why always go out, the starting part boring, then ending so fun! But all in all, WE had a GREAT time..
At 2030, she went up and departed Oliver with a hug.. Oliver then proceeded to send me home.. We WALKED from Mountbatten area all the way to Aljunied, then took bus 40 and walked to my house, he's such a doll.. SUPER SWEET GUY.. We talked about magic (very interesting) and our dogs.. I also gave him a hug before he left.. (he's abit shy though =p)
Happy Birthday again from MAo & Me.. We both luve you loads, and treasure you even more..
p.s. sorry will have to give you belated birthday present
1 comment:
Ok, you typed a super long comment on my blog! So now! Its time to return the huge favour!
Didn't actually realised that when you said you posted a comment, you actually posted one under that post! I thought you meant friendster or tag or something. Was thinking where were you talking about till I actually finally realised it!
So lets see, replying to everything you commented.
No. 1: Haha, honour to be my god-sister? I think its your bad luck! So far I've done nothing but annoy Mao! Just ask her! HAHA!
No. 2: Yeah the shirt that Mao bought did look nice. I gotta say she does have some taste. Although Wayne seems to really dislike her dress sense. No idea why. But she is great.
No. 3: Actually the NeoPrints were the idea of you 2. I never thought of that before, as for decorating it, I think that is a job for you guys. I'm not really into stuff like that, I just keep them for the memories, I don't really bother about decorating a picture, its who's inside that counts!
No. 4: Yes I brought out 170 bucks, but I didn't spend much actually, you guys didn't really let me do much and didn't want me to treat anything! Haha, the cab fare and pool table was my idea so don't need to thank :)
No. 5: Back spin forward spin, haha, those are ok. I'm super noob though, but thanks for the thanks. I think. :P
No. 6: I'm glad you like that part although I don't really understand why. But as for the rendition, go ahead, I just made that up the other time watching this fat lady sing the American Anthem during the NBA all-star and thought why not do that to the Victorian Anthem!
No. 7: Walking wasn't a problem, though it wasn't cooling. Haha, hey I enjoyed the company too, so ya.
Lastly, I've no idea what is Air Hockey. And I can't believe you actually opened 2 windows to listen to the song. I thought no body liked that song! Haha!
Signing off with this annoyingly long comment.
Your god-bro!
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